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Benefits of Resistance Training

Commonly known as “weight training,” resistance training involves any exercise that uses additional weight other than the person’s own body weight.

As with any exercise regimen, we strongly recommend working with a professional trainer to ensure your form is proper and that you are using the appropriate amount of weight.

Ladies, take extra notice of these next sentences:

It’s been proven that when resistance training is coupled with aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, or cycling, and a healthy diet, weight training accelerates weight loss. As your body develops more lean muscle tissue, it is able to burn calories more efficiently than body fat (it speeds up your metabolism). As a result, you can lose weight more quickly. This article from the American Heart Association is one example of hundreds which cites this. In other words, don’t be afraid to pick up the dumbbells. You won’t turn into a female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

While accelerated weight loss alone motivates people to incorporate resistance training in their exercise routine, there are several other benefits it provides for long-term health. According the Mayo Clinic, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends as little as two to three sessions of 20-30 minutes per week to achieve results.

There are five core benefits you will reap as a result of incorporating weight training into your physical routine. (this will link to the full article on your website). 1. Stability and Longevity:

As we age, our muscles and bones lose density and strength which makes us more susceptible to falls that can cause severe injuries such as hip fractures. However, building muscle strength in the lower limbs prevents this loss of strength and therefore makes us less prone to injury. 2. Strength:

According to, weight training can prevent sarcopenia, or the loss of lean muscle mass caused by the aging process. Exercise with weights provides greater anatomical stability and an increase in muscle strength and power. It is known as the years pass older adults slow down. Because of this, they may  end up requiring help from an external to move, creating a situation of dependence, physical and emotional stress. The increase in limb strength and power (ability to recruit motoneurons per unit of time) coupled with stability of the musculoskeletal architecture increase their functional capacity and independence in walking, which translates into psychosomatic well-being and quality of life. 3. Prevention of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a frequent condition especially in women over 50 years of age, when menopause decreases estrogen levels. Estrogen stimulates the process of bone formation (osteogenesis), so when reaching this age an important barrier is lost for the prevention of osteoporosis. The bones most prone to osteoporosis are those of the pelvis, lumbosacral vertebrae, and wrists. 4. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

Exercise with weights practiced on a regular basis creates metabolic, enzymatic and muscular adaptations. It helps the body respond better to insulin and improves the way blood sugar is used. 5. Psychological Benefits

Whether you’re prone to depression, anxiety, experience low self-esteem, or tend to have a negative attitude in general, weight training can offset these negative states of mind.

6. Prevent Certain Cancers

As reported in MDLinx, those who lifted weights regularly had a 22-25% reduction in colon cancer, and also saw a reduction in developing kidney cancer.

Getting Started

Whether you are preparing for weight loss surgery, just months post-op, or years past your procedure, aiming for a 60 consecutive minute resistance training session may not feasible - and that's okay! We recommend breaking this down to shorter durations, such as 20 minute sessions 3 times per week. Be sure to rest between each day in order to let your muscles rest and prevent injury. Start simple- investing in a gym membership isn't necessary. You can work up to doing sets of 12-15 push ups, or 30-second planks. (Yes, start off doing push ups using your knees as anchors.)

To learn more or schedule a consultation with Dr. Korman, contact us here or call the office: 310-577-5540.


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