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Problem in the Bedroom? Blame the Booze.

Whether you are deciding which bariatric procedure is right for you, or you are several months post-op, you are undoubtedly working hard to achieve life-long health goals as you lose excess weight. In addition to weight related diseases such as type 2 diabetes going into remission, or your joints not aching as you climb a staircase, you are rocking a smaller pair of jeans with confidence.

What else improves? Your sex life…

The New York Times article explores the relationship between alcohol consumption and achieving orgasm. Although the relationship is complex, the bottom line is pretty straight forward. When small amounts of alcohol are consumed, the brain releases dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which creates feelings of relaxation and lower inhibitions. However, larger quantities of alcohol ultimately depresses the central nervous system. This can interfere with the brain's ability to process sexual stimuli and coordinate physical responses crucial for orgasm.

Note: Alcohol is extremely dense in empty calories and can cause weight gain relatively quickly. 

There is good news. If you’re in a bedroom “rut,” try incorporating these five exercises

  1. Bursts of high intensity cardio - such as a HIIT workout

  2. The Kegels, ladies.

  3. Stretch out the hips

  4. Focus on your core 

  5. Incorporate just five minutes of yoga daily

For more information on weight loss procedures and non-surgical options, contact Dr. Korman’s office: 310-5779-5540 or contact us today

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